Pharmacy & Pet Products
Know exactly what you're getting.
When you go to the doctor, wouldn’t it be nice to leave with the medication you needed rather than having to make another trip to the pharmacy? That’s the great thing about veterinary medicine! We stock the majority of the medications your pet may need right here in our hospitals. You can leave with your pet’s medication in hand and begin your pet’s treatment ASAP. You can be confident that the medications your pet receives from our practices are safe, effective and dispensed under the specific order of your pet’s veterinarian.
With two Village Veterinary locations, it’s easy to pick up your pet’s medication or prescription diet refill at which ever location is closest to you. However, we realize for pets on prescription diets and chronic medications, home delivery is so much more covenient! That's why each of our hospitals has its own online pharamcy! Our online pharamcies allow our veterinarians the ability to write and approve refills of prescriptions right through your pet's medical record. This makes it easy for our clients and team! Additionally, our online pharmacy pricing is extremely competitive to the online pet pharamcy giants out there with coupons and autoship discounts too!
Be sure to click the online pharamcy link for the practice you most frequently visit as this will ensure the right veterinarian sees your request!
Village Veterinary Practice - ONLINE PHARMACIES
Village Veterinary Practice - PRESCRIPTION DIET PHARMACIES
Prescription Policy
While we hope you shop local and support our team by either purchasing your pet products from our hospitals or online pharamcies, we respect your right to purchase elsewhere. If that's the case, ask us for a written prescription.
Prescriptions will be written by the doctor and left at the front desk. Clients choosing to obtain their pet’s medications from internet pet pharmacies assume the responsibility of obtaining and mailing the original written prescription to the internet pharmacy of choice. For your pet’s safety, we will not make exceptions to this policy if your shipment has been delayed resulting in a lapse of medication dosing.
Please note that most pharmacies will require the original prescription with the original doctor signature to process your request. Most pharmacies will not accept email or copies of prescriptions from clients.
We do not communicate with outside online pharmacies by phone or email. It takes a lot of extra manpower that we simply do not have to manage these requests. Likewise, it transfers liability to our practice and doctors in the event the online pharmacy provides the wrong medication or instructions.
Please note that it takes time for our doctors to evaluate the medical record and write prescriptions. It takes time for you to pick up the prescription and mail out to the pharmacy. Finally, it takes time for the pharmacy to process your request and mail out your items. It is your choice to make your purchases where you see fit, but please allow ample time for this process.
FAXED PRESCRIPTION UPDATE: As of June 1, 2023, our offices will no longer be using fax machines. All prescription refill requests will either need to be made via phone or email. We have notified our local pharamcy partners of this change.